Elephant sketch
Elephant sketch

elephant sketch

On the bottom of the oval, what will be the two legs of the elephant. In the drawing you can see below are all these strokes, and from left to right are the following: first at the left end of the oval a short stroke that indicates the position of the elephant’s tail. When the above is already done, the next step to make our elephant drawing is to make simple strokes, which will be the basis for almost the entire elephant. In this case, the facial features are reduced to only one eye. Based on this stroke, in successive steps you can place the different elements that the face has. This line is made whenever a character is drawn, and it is the one that gives us the orientation that the head will have. We will draw an arc through the lowest part of the middle of the circle, as you can see in the image that follows this paragraph. Next to it, we will build a circle, which will be the basis for the realization of the head on it. We will start with two geometric figures: on the one hand an oval with its longest side horizontally, which will be the basis for the elephant’s body. We get to work to make our elephant drawing easy and fast. These concepts can be applied to color anything, and this is how we have a good technique to improve our colored drawings. This is how we shade the remaining parts to the right. On the contrary, the parts that would be hidden in that light will be in shadow.

elephant sketch

This is how you can see the left edges of the elephant, shirt and pants that are clearer. Then we have to think that all the parts that face this side, receive more light, therefore it should be painted more clearly.

elephant sketch

In our case, we decided that the elephant is illuminated with a spotlight from our left. The first thing we have to do is determine a place from which the light will come. However, if we want to progress in our ability to color the drawings, let’s see what concepts we have applied to this drawing. In our case we have the pink elephant, with a yellow shirt and orange pants. First of all we also give the color to each thing with the colors we want. In this second case of colored elephant drawing, we have the drawing that you can see in the video tutorial to learn how to draw it.

Elephant sketch